Our Core Values

Engaging, evidence based treatment sessions.
Paediatric Occupational Therapy is the perfect mix of art and science. We use a range of treatment approaches based in neuroscience and relationship that are matched to the individual for accelerated progress. We specialise in Sensory Integration, DIR Floortime approach, Therapeutic Listening, Astronaut Protocol and Developmental based approaches. We see the child through multiple lenses, relishing diversity of thought and opinion.

Providing support for our families.
We believe the best outcomes result from people working together. Parents and carers are active participants in the therapeutic process. We provide opportunities for hands on therapeutic experiences as we coach each other in learning about your child so that progress is facilitated across environments. Our therapist’s are your child’s advocate.

Created by expert clinicians
Our expert clinicians are committed to ongoing professional development as they seek to understand how the mind and body of children work together. We are guided by leading international clinicians within our industry and seek to share our insights with you.

Culture of love and care.
At SEED we love your child. We honour your child in any given moment without judgement. We believe in what can be.

Empowering the individual within the community.
We seek to empower our community to prevent and manage challenges associated with a range of neuro developmental differences such as Autism, ADHD/ADD, Learning Difficulties, Social Emotional differences and Developmental Trauma. Our workshops are small, scalable and accessible easily adapted to the needs of the child, family and organisation.

World leader.
At SEED we aim to bring world class Paediatric Occupational Therapy services to children and families living in rural Australia.

Hello I’m Sarah MacInnes, Paediatric Occupational Therapist and Director of SEED Paediatric Services. At SEED we are here to make a difference in children’s lives and the lives of their families. We take pleasure in knowing that we are instrumental in the success of those who put their trust in us. We believe opportunity lies within each child and we ensure each child and family feels empowered in their lives. Welcome to our website.
Contact Us
Sarah MacInnes
E: sarah@seedpaediatricservices.com
M: 0439 002 948
Michelle Maunder
E: michelle@seedpaediatricservices.com
M: 0438 004 258